Sunday, March 16, 2008

Jeremiah Wright Sermon Videos

Now, you'll have to forgive me for not getting on this one sooner. Several incendiary sermons by the Reverend Jeremiah Wright from Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ were making the rounds on the conservative talk shows late last week.

I'm suprised it took them this long to find these videos.

What some of y'all don't know is that the Trinity United Church of Christ has a half-hour every Sunday morning at 7:30am Eastern Time.

Now THIS morning of course they played a decided non-controversial theologically- (as opposed to politically-) oriented sermon from the NEW pastor, the Rev. Otis Moss III.

Oh, and heads up - there's a message on Trinity's home page that there is going to be a LIVE web-cast from there from 7:00pm - 8:30pm (I'm presuming Central Time).

Now I TOLD y'all when I first found out about Obama's association with this church it deserved some scrutiny.

Their "About" page starts out "We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black ..."

Someone would entertain for a moment being ASHAMED of being Black?

Oh, EXCEPT possible for The Dean of course who seems to have some sort of issue with calling Obama or his OWN CHILDREN Black, but we'll get back to that topic some other time ... :)

However, in the context of Trinity UCC it DOES worry one a bit because [[sniff, sniff]], yep, I'm getting a whiff of Black racism here.

On the other hand, should the verbal diarrhea of Jeremiah Wright be held against Obama any more than the sermons of Rabbi Robert Barr and the Rev. Sharon Dittmar should be held against ME? After all, from a certain point of view both of them could be flirting with credibility issues - Barr for giving a Christmas Eve sermon at a Unitarian Church, for the love of God, and Rev. Dittmar having the audacity to get DIVORCED after dressing me (as well as the rest of her congregation) down for an entire hour about how she won't perform marriage ceremonies for "just anyone" and "marry your best friend".

Obama also doesn't strike me as a person who has the time to 1) go to church every week (and Obama claims he never heard these sermons), 2) TiVo TV One very much or 3) spend time surfing YouTube so I'm temped to give him a pass on the whole thing.

On the condition of course that he join Beth Adam IMMEDIATELY ... :)



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