Supreme Court Says Child Rape Doesn't Warrant Death

You MUST be kidding.
What are these fools THINKING??
You've got perps out there having to register for the rest of their days and having to stay certain distances from schools and WAY beyond any hope of ever being meaningfully employed again for having sexually attacked children in one form or another. Obviously these individuals are dangerous and a good percentage of them will tell you to your face that if you let them going they are GOING to offend again. It's always seemed to me that the only proper way to dispose of these vermin is with lethal force, and now you have a group of five goofs in robes who have the audacity to think that the Framers of the Constitution would not have executed child rapists with safety pins if necessary.
Here's the deal, people - if you don't already know, you can look up your U.S. Senators and U.S. Represenative at Congress.Org and DEMAND that they tell you what steps they are planning to take to introduce a Constitutional Amendment allowing the execution of anyone inhuman enough to rape a child.
If that's too much work for you, the main switchboard to the U.S. Congress is (202) 224-3121. They can tell you who your Senators and Representative is based on your address.
It took me a while to find the reference number on this case, but the ruling today was in the case Kennedy v. Louisiana, No. 07-343.
Let me tell you - I've been a citizen of this country a good 4+ decades and I have NEVER heard such an outrageous and wrongheaded decision in my life.
Some lawmakers angered by death penalty ruling - AP/Google
Excerpts from Supreme Court ruling on child rape - AP/Google
US Supreme Court rejects death penalty for child rapists - New Straits Times (Malaysia)
Obama Condemns Supreme Court Decision in Child Rape Case - The Wall Street Journal
Labels: Death Penalty, SCOTUS, Supreme Court
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