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Labels: Sarah Palin, YouTube
There's a very old story that starts, "First they came for the Jews, but I wasn't a Jew, so I didn't speak up." That story ends with, "And finally, they came for me, and there was no one left to speak up."
Well, it's official, gang.
Labels: Verizon Wireless
It took me a while to find this, but apparently Joy Rolland lost it in court yesterday and got slapped with six contempt charges that will throw her in the hoosgow for six months.
Labels: Joy Rolland
Labels: Barack Obama
Labels: YouTube
Yes, it looks like the Blackberry Storm 9530 is now official as I got an email from Verizon Wireless directing me to their - I presume - official Verizon Wireless Blackberry Storm 9530 site and gave me the opportunity to give them my email address and sign up for even MORE pseudo-spam about this little item.
Labels: Blackberry, Blackberry 9530, Verizon Wireless
For those of you who have long ago given up on the print edition of The Cincinnati Enquirer, you've missed out on a fascinating new column the last few months in the Sunday paper by a young lady named Jill Haney, a "certified image consultant".
So I'm looking through my latest QST that I saved from the jaws of one of Mrs. Axinar's cleaning endeavors and on the inside back cover what did I discover to my surprise but a full page ad for the first new Yaesu HT I've seen in years - the VX-8R.
Labels: Amateur Radio
Labels: Blackout, Survivor Cincinnati
Labels: Sarah Palin, Saturday Night Live, Tina Fey
For those of you from outside the area who are wondering what's going on, remnants of Hurricane Ike hit this area as well as large parts of Ohio and surrounding states.
Labels: Hurricane Ike
Labels: Sarah Palin
Labels: Sarah Palin
Labels: Barack Obama, John McCain
Are you a network engineer?
Labels: Verizon Wireless
CNBC is reporting that top executives and board members were meeting in Washington today with regulators and that an announcement is expected tommorrow detailing the restructuring of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Labels: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis
Labels: Agriprocessors, Judaism
Labels: Sarah Palin
Now Obama has been saying, "Hands of the families!", but fortunately the tabloid sites have been buring the midnight oil and have come up with staggering amounts of dirt on Sarah Palin's daughter's Baby Daddy.
Labels: Sarah Palin