There's a very old story that starts, "First they came for the Jews, but I wasn't a Jew, so I didn't speak up." That story ends with, "And finally, they came for me, and there was no one left to speak up."
Perhaps some of that sort of sentiment is why I followed General Kabaka Oba in his radio call-in days. In fact, I remember one day seeing his Mustang exiting South 75 onto Paddock Rd. There was a young lady in the car with him and I remember mentioning to the person with me, "I wonder if that's General Nikki X".
Axinar of course is many things, and one of them is an "art critic" of sorts, so, as the closest I ever came to General Nikki X was two car lengths on south 75 on a Saturday afternoon, of course I do not speak of her as a person, but rather as a web artist, and, yes, generally speaking, quite frequently I do question the "grace and dignity" of her RSS feed.
In fact, one need do no more than turn to the
Blogger profile of General Nikki X and find her "occupation" listed as "Black Militant Hardcore Guerilla Soldier".
Yes, such a phrase
SCREAMS "grace and dignity", don't you think?
Now, I do not mean to defend Joy Rolland in this, nor would I support the "feud" theory.
I think Nikki X was trying to make the point in
her comment on my blog that her grace and dignity is not questioned by the law as it is in the case of Joy Rolland.
Absolutely correct. Nikki X's chosen form of expression is the occasional over-the-top blog entry. Joy Rolland's is attempted homicide.
Nikki X continues, "This is not just cyberspace entertainment and blogger chatroom folly. THIS IS REAL LIFE. THIS IS MY LIFE."
Yes, I have to admit, so far as I have been able to make out, and it is certainly the case that I'm not privy to all the details, Nikki X is certain not the appropriate target for Joy Rolland's frustration.
However, as is generally the case with most ongoing court action, it is generally the advice of counsel to not speak of such matters publicly
AT ALL. If I remember correctly, Joy's baby daddy also nearly took a dirt nap at Joy's hands and, so far as I know, he has no blog.
Once the blog is up, it's subject to Axinarian analysis as a work of art, my friends.
Now, the real subject matter for my talents as a drama critic is the details of Joy's September 24, 2008 courtroom outburst, but it sounds as though General Nikki X has been enjoined by counsel from recounting those events.
Bummer. I suppose we'll just have to figure it was
PRETTY BAD to get her locked up for
I do find myself wondering what's going on with Joy. It used to be that the reports back from the courtroom were such things as, "Oh, she's all fire and brimstone on cable, but quiet as a church mouse in front of the judge." Now she's lost it in front of the judge.
I do wonder if Joy will ever get the help she needs. One thing is certain - if the energy she directs towards human destruction could ever be channeled into something constructive, she could accomplish a great deal. Without appropriate assistance I do believe the path of destruction she will leave in her wake will make Hurricane Ike look like a gentle breeze.